Beach Balls
The landscape come March is a great blank paper where for the recent three months we have watched the unfolding of a vast mosaic cast with blankets of colors. The ebb and flow of nature’s art shifting from early, to mid, to late spring translucently flooding into summer.
Nature Deficit Disorder Poem
The past and the present tell two different stories.
One told by the swaying branches,
one told by the hum of a hard drive.
Protecting Bay Resources
The sea through complexity and multidimensionality transform the serpentine top of a wave into a rhythm of seas snaking under us. Shapes that don’t sit still but that lift us and drop us. Beyond three-dimension into the fourth dimension of time, where shape and views change with every cloud above our head and puff that tickles the surface, dancing away in dendritic wrinkles on a smooth waters top.
Just Call Me Dalai
Results can’t be measured on a spreadsheet but only in a smile. Life doesn’t exist to support work but work exists to support life. Living is the priority.
Farmers and Me
I work in the Department of Agriculture at a university with a large farm and dairy. We also happen to be located in a county with agricultural land use well over 50%. Much of the county borders rivers, lakes and streams. So much so that the word I hear is, “no body of water is more then a mile apart.”
Lights Out - A Place Sketch by Foster Woodruff
I sail inside my home, door crashing as the starving turmoil of air and rain thrash my family’s small abode. Outside the trees slowly moan, harmonizing with the whistling wind that spins, nipping at the cottage walls.
Reflections are simply a way of laying all the facts on the table, organizing those learning pieces, there by firming up the impact on our cognition, and then applying the lessons to our work/life process. Verbalizing this allows us to back track the trail of experiences, redefine or affirm our acceptance of the learning journey and visualize exactly what we are and where we are headed.
The experience will last forever. Nobody needs to dust it and we don’t have to pack it the next time we move, because it lives in us. Experiences mark milestones in our lives unlike anything else.
Harvest Moon
We straddle time with the full moon holding hostage our need to celebrate change. Great human events are determined by such things that now seemingly stand still.
My Garden the Social Paradigm
Education and access directly correlate to that 147 billion dollar price tag on obesity. I assured them that our program is combatting these same issues with wisely placed government money.
Candy Corn & Thanksgiving Music
I did a little research. According to Foodspin, who ranked the top 47 Halloween candies, Candy corn, to my great delight, ranked 47th, just under 46th- being hit by a car and 45th- A fistful of hair.
17-Year Parent
It began as soft, gentle anxiety about a looming future where my best friends chose to move on. Then it gets closer, time slips even faster, and I begin to see the sad end of what’s been a marvelous run.
Up for Air
The past several months whirled past me like racers out of the starting blocks. Only in this case, the starting gun that went off sounded of my cell phone ringing. Spring arrived and with it, miles of work for me.
Down-Dog, Devils in My Head and Golf
It’s the devil in your head chasing you. You’re racing yourself. Don’t race the devil
Ash Breeze
When sailboats in those days ran out of wind, or wind was simply against them, they sat useless and dead in the water - just as many of us feel during windless times in life.
September 14
When dawn wicked over the Chesapeake the tattered stars and stripes still flew above the fort. The British themselves were shocked to not see the Union Jack and soon gave up. Key’s pride in America and the emotional events of watching from afar without the ability to even warn spawned his penning the poem - The Star-Spangled Banner, which now is our national anthem.